Lions serve to meet the needs of our communities and the world. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves, and take action to make the community better, it’s a beautiful thing —and an incredible feeling for everyone involved, from the members to the recipients of our service. When we hear “Thank you for all you do” Lions take pride together in making an impact and changing lives for the better.
Every Lions Club needs active members to participate in our community service projects, fund raisers, administrative and leadership duties. New members provide new ideas, energy, leadership, needed skills, and a crew to do our hands on work, Not every member needs to do every project. Old and new members can pick the projects and rolls in lions that most match their interests, skills, and time.
Membership Opportunities
New Active Member: Pays an initial entrance fee of $35 Plus Gallatin Empire Lions annual dues of $150.00. $46 of the annual dues goes to Lions Clubs International and the balance goes to the Club and the district for its administration expenses. Including a Lions pin, Name badge, and vest for each new member.
Transfer Member: No entrance fees. Annual fees only
Family Members: Additional family members joining from the same house receive a discount on their dues.
Young adults, Student, former Leos, under the age of 30 years receive a discount on their dues.
Affiliate members: Pay an annual fee of $200.00 to Gallatin Empire Lions Club. These members are not expected to attend meetings or work on projects, but they can. The Associate members’ primary functions are to donate their fees to the club and to support the club in its endeavors.
If you are interested in community service and all that Lions has to offer in respect to your caring development and in becoming part of a Lions Club that can do more as a group for the community that we live in, contact a Lions member (Look for our yellow vests) or express your interest by e-mailing or come visit a GELC Meeting on any Tuesday at 6:30 AM at the Elks Lodge (205 Haggerty Lane, Bozeman, MT)